From Bitterness to Joy

Changing your response to disappointment

Often man's disappointments are God's appointments - but we can only discover His purposes in them as we respond in faith.

Format: Paperback
Language: Chinese
Sale price£4.99 GBP

Previously published as Life's Bitter Pool.

Often man's disappointments are God's appointments - but we can only discover His purposes in them as we respond in faith.

Discovering bitter water at Marah was a devastating experience for the Israelites after their deliverance from Egypt. They were totally unprepared for it.

We may have "bitter pool" experiences too - disillusionment, business failure, broken relationships, a health breakdown etc. God will often use these to test and strengthen us.

Derek explains God's purposes in testing and how to respond. Complaining will produce nothing; persevering in faith will bring deeper revelation of Himself. By responding in the right way we will discover that man's disappointments are often God's appointments.

Customer Reviews:

"Excellent teaching! Life will deal to us certain unexpected and disheartening situations. How we respond will determine if we become bitter or better. Derek Prince shows us, through the scriptures, how to respond to such situations will ultimately bring one into healing, peace, maturity and victory."

"This is an excellent little book about learning to accept and deal with life's difficulties in a biblical light. I have read the book and ordered two more to give one as a gift and to use the other to share with others. I highly recommend it and all Derek Prince's books which have been a great blessing to me."

Author: Derek Prince
Previous Titles: Life's Bitter Pool
Subject: Christian Living and Healing
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English, Chinese, French
Pages: 68*
Product Code: BK-T084-100-ENG
Related ISBNs: 9781782635819 | | 9781782635826
SKUs: T84, T84ZHO, T84FR, eT84
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 111 mm
Width: 178 mm
Thickness: 3 mm
Weight: 640 g

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