Immersed in the Spirit

The Holy Spirit in you, with you, over you, around you, in front of you, behind you!

Just as every Israelite leaving Egypt was immersed in a supernatural cloud, we today should be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price£0.99 GBP

Just as every Israelite leaving Egypt was immersed in a supernatural cloud, we today should be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.

Study notes included.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Growth
Study Level: Intermediate
Available Languages: English
Product Code: MA-3013-100-ENG
Number of Discs: 1
Related ISBNs: 651519843888 | 645249542647
SKUs: CD3013, MP3013

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 125 g
Number of Discs: 1

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