Invisible Barriers to Healing

There are no barriers on God’s side!

God's healing is part of the atoning work of the cross but what do you do when you don't see that healing? Derek Prince discloses six common barriers to healing and how to overcome them.

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price£0.99 GBP

God's healing is part of the atoning work of the cross but what do you do when you don't see that healing? Derek Prince discloses six common barriers to healing and how to overcome them.

Study notes included.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Healing
Study Level: Beginner
Available Languages: English
Product Code: MV-4258-100-ENG
Number of Discs: 1
Related ISBNs: 651519844410 | 720990851399 | 651519847572
SKUs: CD4258, DV4258, MP4258

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 125 g
Number of Discs: 1

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