Strength Through Weakness

Let the weak say, 'I am strong'.

There are two kinds of strength: strength which the world understands, and strength which comes from God, through the cross of Jesus Christ. Discover and apply God's hidden wisdom and strength!

Format: MP3
Language: English
Sale price£0.99 GBP

There are two kinds of strength: strength which the world understands, and strength which comes from God, through the cross of Jesus Christ. Discover and apply God's hidden wisdom and strength!

 In the eyes of the world, this second kind of strength is weakness. And yet, it is ultimately destined to triumph and to prevail throughout the entire universe.

It's only as we see the significance of the cross, as we appropriate by faith what was accomplished for us on the cross and as we allow the principle of the cross to be worked out in our own lives, that we begin to appropriate this secret hidden wisdom and this secret hidden strength of God. 

Additional Information:

This product contains 5 radio messages of 12 minutes each. 

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Warfare
Study Level: Intermediate
Available Languages: English
Product Code:
Number of Discs: 1
Related ISBNs: 651519846346 | 645249541961
SKUs: CDRC059, MPRC059

Physical Product Dimensions

Weight: 125 g
Number of Discs: 1

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