Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship

Revolutionize your prayer life

Prayer is not just one musical instrument; it is the whole orchestra! This book deals with three prayer instruments - thanksgiving, praise and worship.

Format: eBook
Language: English
Sale price£2.54 GBP Regular price£2.99 GBP

Prayer is not just one musical instrument; it is the whole orchestra! This book deals with three prayer instruments - thanksgiving, praise, and worship.

Many people believe that prayer is simply asking God for things. This is a limited and inadequate view.

Derek Prince writes that God has laid down certain conditions to approach Him. He shows these conditions are not theoretical but are principles that will revolutionize prayer life. All three types of prayer are necessary as each relates to a different aspect of God's character.

Author: Derek Prince
Subject: Spiritual Growth and Prayer & Fasting
Study Level: Intermediate
Available Languages: English, Farsi, French, Arabic, Russian
Pages: 70*
Product Code: BK-B057-200-ENG
Related ISBNs: 9781782637622 | 9781782630777 | 9781782637899 | 9781782631231 | | 9781782634317
SKUs: B57, eB57, B057FAS, B57FR, B57AR, B57RUS
Sample Link: View online
* Approximate, subject to edition.

Physical Product Dimensions

Height: 111 mm
Width: 178 mm
Thickness: 4 mm
Weight: 61 g

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